Week 3 Reading
By reading Thomas Munro I learned that there are some types of design in various arts.We classify types of design in terms of the sense.
The first category:Visual static , surface design.The components presented here are especially line,color and texture.Thematic development is presented mostly in two dimensions of space and it is mostly presented on a flat, curving, or polyhedral surface. Under this category there is another type of design such as strip design, It is extended mostly in one dimension, lengthwise.It is long and narrow as in ribbons ,borders etc. The other type is bounded-area design which is limited within given two-dimensional area.This type of design is usually related internally to the size and shape of the area marked off.For example some of Degas's paintings seem arbitrarily cut off at the size. Designs of the bounded area type may be presentatively flat or three-dimensional.
Allover design is another type of design. It is unbounded in two dimensions , with a tendency to indefinite repetition in two dimensions or four directions.A common feature of allover design is to arrange the units on two coordinate, intersecting system of lines and not along a single main axis as usual in strip designs.Allover design is much used in dress fabrics, drapery fabrics,wallpaper etc.This type of design can be flat or three-dimensional, both presentatively and suggestively.
We also have Visual,static,solid design which is three-dimensionally presented.It has considerable extent in thickness or depth as well as in length and breadth.It is not merely spread over a solid object , but the thematic units themselves consist of different solid parts. Exterior design is a part of this type of design. It is as in architecture when viewed from the outside.A object may present many different designs as seen from different points of view.
Interior design , surrounding the observer when he is inside a room , building, garden.
And there is also a combination of these two , as a connection between exterior and interior designs. For example a palace surrounded by a park combines exterior and interior designs.
Intermediate between surface and solid design is sculptural relief which varies as to the amount of three-dimensional development.
The other category is Visual, mobile, temporally developed design.Under this category is mobile surface design.It includes motion pictures, shadow plays,mobile color, presented as flat images on a flat or curving surface.While mobile solid design presents solid figures in more or less determinate motion.It is developed in three dimensions of space and in time. Examples are found in ballet,marionettes,acrobatics, theatrical skating , decorative waterworks.
Under Auditory design,musical design is based on thematic development of rhythm, timbre etc.,and of developed components such as melody.Musical design is mot highly developed through the use of instruments and human voices.The second: Word-sound design is presented when literature is spoken.It differs in different languages. A combination of musical and word-sound design is verbal-musical design.
The category of audiovisual design there are two types:audiovisual surface design is found in motion pictures and shadow plays with incidental music and spoken verses; and also audiovisual solid design produced by combining mobile solid patterns with auditory ones, as in dance and ballet with music.
The last one are types of design based on suggestive thematic development.Types of design mainly on a basis of presentative development, according to the sense primarily addressed and the way in which the presented factor is developed in space , time or both.