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Reading Week 4 Review

This weeks reading was quite an interesting one ,which I really enjoyed. It was also a topic related to other courses such as basic design.

Architectural Statements

Good architecture are those which contain communication in themselves and express them gently and elegantly. For example, the Acropolis is recognised as a powerful expression of its era.

Architectural Mode of Communication

Architects communicate concerns about buildings by emphasizing some forms. The primary mode through which architects communicate is visual , one of the clearest form of perception. Light direction, strengths,and colours can greatly affect the perception of form. Other modes of perception that can be used by architects include the sensations of temperature and humidity, as well as touch and sound as they relate to texture and form in our environment.

One of the most important issues an architect faces is the image that the building will communicate. The choice of image will affect the attitude and behaviour of the users. Each building may require a number of communicating elements to reinforce a total image. After this the relative importance of individual elements must be addressed. The architect may formulate a hierarchical list of the ideas or concepts that will form the building. Next the architect should decide which of a number of design techniques to use on a particular project. Also the architect has to know a great deal about building components and how they go together. Finally there must be a logical also order of building construction that will develop these images visually while providing good physical enclosure.

The source of architectural Statement

Meanings of the building and the forms or images related to these meanings.

The building program

The program would show room shapes and sizes, who uses the space and for how long ,and any special equipment or environmental controls.

Building type

Each type is symbolic of its function in the society a d has a traditional place in the context of that society. The symbolism of a building is carried by images that have acquired meaning over time, and that these images are specific a d refer to particular building form organization.


The site can suggest particular form responses.Site analysis is a standard activity of an architect. Much of it involves gathering technical information concerning the sites potential for serving the proposed facility.

The architect style

The style of a design is most certainly an architectural statement .In this context , style: the distinctive quali6of form given a project that allow us to group projects as representatives of an individual's.


Structural and mechanical systems follow well defined patterns , as does the processes of constructing a building. Each system has a pattern and range of use that must be matched to the requirements of the function of the building.


Vignettes are images of spacesthat have emotional connotation. They are powerful but they are not exactl in the way they are produced.


Specific patterns based on careful research into the optimum form for their specific use are called archetypes.

Environmental and Behaviour studies

Researches on human behaviour and the environment are important sources for architectural statements because it means that architectscan predict behaviour on space as it is designed.

Building Technology

Technology has changed the basic form of office towers, great stadiums are improved to new configurations on cushions of air ; and spaces are enclosed by air supported fabric.


Proximity diagramming is an analysis techniquethat is useful in generating a preliminary sense of the building potential forms. Proximity Diagrams have two hierarchies:

-scale of different spaces of the diagramming, with the larger elements having more importance

  • -the location of elements within a sequence of spaces


The symmetry produces visual groupings within other groupings to make the experience richer and therefore hold out attention and interest longer.Symmetry leads importance to the axis that generates it because centres of composition attract attention.


An objects form ,colour, texture, sense of mass, and cultural significance are attributes that can be use to develop very subtle hierarchiesin the relationship between it and other objects.

Closure and good communication

The concept of closure involves the visual competition of incomplete objects.

Form Reproduction

The concept contends that if we have seen the complete form of and then we only see part of it we reproduce the rest of the image from memory.


Human mind is structured to perceive the environment in the way that organizes our visual field into distinct and related parts. This area that studies this phenomenonis called "gestalt psychology ",the different pattern organizations we perceive are called "gestalts ".


Figuresare seen as being on grounds and are what we organise our view and understanding of the physical environment around .

Center of Gravity

Our understanding of other parts of a form or composition develops from their relationship to the centre.


The mind simplifies the visual elements in order to understand it.

Signs and symbols

Signs and symbols are used in architectural design to focus the attention of building or spaces within the building.

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